Tuesday, June 23, 2009

All we have is the news

Speaking with crime victims or their survivors is a typical part of the job for reporters, and I actually find it satisfying...usually there is something to be learned from their story and how they cope.
The other day I was speaking to a mom who found herself in what appeared to be a terrible situation, and she said something I have been thinking about.
"All we have is the news"
Of course that is not strictly true, there are law enforcement agencies and other charities that can help, but the bottom line is the press is a safety net of sorts, although not a perfect one.
Still, it was nice to hear, so much of the talk about the media these days deals with the recession and the sea change in how information is being delivered.
Yes, it's true, the traditional business model is in peril, and only time will tell if we are entering the dark ages or a renaissance....but all that aside, to this woman, on this day, we reporters were a life preserver.

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